Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 516 FBF – America’s Optimistic Future with Dr. Nick Begich Founder of EarthPulse Press



Orginally aired as CW 221   At a period in America’s life when all seems insurmountable, what with an astronomical national debt, high unemployment and underemployment, failing small businesses, and controlling corporate interests that don’t seem to have American citizens’ best interest in mind, it’s hard to believe that America is truly rich.  Join Jason Hartman as he interviews Dr. Nick Begich, founder of Earthpulse Press, regarding the true wealth of America.  Only looking at the profit and loss statements of our country and of many businesses conjures up a sense of failure and hopelessness, but Dr. Begich shares his optimism about America’s profitable future, encouraging people to look at the assets sheet, i.e. the vast resources our country boasts.  The mineral wealth alone in this country is enough to retire the national debt, as well as put Americans back to work for a very long time.  Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political ac