Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 504 FBF – Nominal Dollars vs Real Dollars and Understanding Investor Psychology with Investment Counselor Sara



Jason Hartman talks with investment counselor, Sara, about investor psychology, overcoming obstacles and getting out of our own way.  The smoke-and-mirrors propaganda perpetuated by mainstream media (lamestream media as Sarah Palin says) in reporting the new high in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).   They almost always fail to distinguish between nominal dollars and real dollars.  Jason illustrates how investors have actually lost money in inflation adjusted dollars and how the Dow has to increase a lot more before investors break even based on the two peaks.  This lie is even worse when one considers how inflation is underreported in the consumer price index (CPI and CPI-U) due to weighting, substitution and hedonics (the hedonic index).  Another misrepresentation is the ‘core rate’ or ‘core inflation’ which strips out food and energy because they’re too volatile.  Jason shares some interesting data from Jason and Sara discuss announce the Memphis Distressed Property Tour and Creating