Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 500 – Guy Kawasaki – Celebrate Jason Hartman’s 500th episode with Entrepreneur & Former Marketing Evangelist with Apple Computers



Welcome to the 500th episode of the Creating Wealth show. Jason is excited to bring on Fernando during the intro portion of the show. Fernando talks about how he first found about Jason's podcast and how it's been an incredible journey since then. Jason invites Guy Kawasaki on to the show to talk about social media and to also share some of his thoughts on the Steve Jobs work model.    Key Takeaways: 1:50 – Thank you for supporting the Creating Wealth show.  6:15 – Jason gives a highlight of some of the amazing guests he's had on the show.  21:40 - Paul Zane Pilzer once talked about if you listen to the customer, you'll always be looking in the rear view mirror.  27:30 – Jason welcomes Guy to the show.  34:30 – Guy talks about when he uses Periscope's streaming service.  39:30 – Guy shares his advice on branding.  44:25 – Is it really the job of an entrepreneur to figure out what the customer wants before they know they want it?  47:45 – The right thing to do is always keep learning.    49:30 – Our technology