Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 499 – Jason Hartman – Deceptive Practices at Clayton Homes & Memphis Tennessee Property Tour Preview



In the beginning of the episode, Jason announces that for his 500th Creating Wealth show he will have Guy Kawasaki on as a guest. Please look forward to that episode on Wednesday. On the podcast, Jason answers a couple of listener questions and talks about how Clayton Homes is using deceptive practices and fooling home owners. He also reminds his audience that the Memphis property tour is coming up and that his team has booked a dinner at Graceland where his property tour attendees may get a chance to see Elvis Presley himself! Please visit for more information on the property tour.    Key Takeaways: 1:30 – Guy Kawasaki will be the 500th guest. Look forward to listening to it on Wednesday.   6:00 – Jason plays and answers a listener question.  16:30 – Jason answers another listener question about how he allocates his investment funds.  23:50 – You can now have Jason as a silent partner in your real estate deals.  34:00 – Some deceptive practices have been happening at Clayton Homes.  40:20 –