Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 484 – Jason Hartman – Why Real Estate is Still A Better Option Than Stocks & A Real Estate Market Overview of Chicago Illinois



Jason Hartman invites Randy on to the show to talk about mortgage financing and lending. In the show, Jason talks about having a Chicago market specialist be the guest for today's episode to talk about what's happening in the Chicago real estate market, but listeners can expect to hear from that guest on Wednesday's Creating Wealth show instead. Jason and Randy sit down to talk about the real estate market, the differences between FirstKey and B2R, and a lot more on this exciting Creating Wealth episode.    Key Takeaways: 3:20 – Randy talks about FirstKey and B2R and some of their benefits versus Fanny Mae/Freddie Mac. 10:10 – Randy compares a FirstKey/B2R type loan to a Fanny Mae/Freddie Mac loan.   15:00 – What about the underwriting?  19:00 – Indianapolis ranks number one for the best convention city. 26:00 – Randy shares his thoughts on Douglas Andrew's strategy.  33:30 – Most people don't understand the value of leverage.  36:10 – Nothing in this world is truly passive income. You always have to work for