Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 478 – Jon Evans – Digital Currencies & How Bitcoin Block Chains Work, TechCrunch



On today's Creating Wealth intro, Jason talks about how he was not able to go heli-skiing this past weekend and is currently in San Diego attending a marketing conference. He talks about how so many people attend these conferences and don't actually take action on anything. He also cites some of his main marketing influencers when growing up and why his guest, Jon Evans, is talking about Bitcoin and how that relates to real estate investing.    Jon Evans is today's Creating Wealth guest and he is a TechCrunch journalist with a background in software engineering. He gives a more technical breakdown of what Bitcoin is, what Block Chain is, and how Bitcoin works on the whole. Jon and Jason sit down to discus Bitcoin scams, how you can track your Bitcoin transactions, and also how Bitcoin is probably the most transparent currency out there on the market today.     Key Takeaways: 1:60 – Sunday is becoming Jason's favorite day because he gets to read all your reviews!  7:10 – Jason likes the Libertarian ideal, beca