Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 435: Central Banks vs Public Banks with Ellen Brown Author of ‘The Public Bank Solution’ & ‘Web of Debt’



Jason Hartman deals with issues in his introduction such as how to deal with your property manager, what we need to know about monetary policy and considers just how intricate the links between politics and real estate investment really are.   In the interview portion of the show, he talks to author Ellen Brown about her books Web of Debt and The Public Bank Solution about public banks worldwide, whether we need a Central Bank and if there can ever be a realistic option for funding which doesn’t include Wall Street.   Key Takeaways   02.58 – We have to really understand monetary policy because it always has a direct impact on real estate investors and their tenants 05.00 – Politics and real estate are so interlinked you just can’t have one without the other. 10.51 – You need to ensure you retain the control position with your property manager. 18.08 – The US only has one state-owned bank, compared with 40% of publicly owned banks worldwide. 22.28 – The public banks have always done better when they’re in the