Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 425 Declining Marginal Utility with Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners and Agora Financial - Author of ‘Financial Reckoning Day’



On today’s Creating Wealth Show, host Jason Hartman talks to financial maven and author, Bill Bonner, about his new book,Hormegeddon, how to create money out of thin air, the situation in Japan and whether you really can have too much of a good thing. Bill’s company, Agora Financial, is a leading marketplace for advice and talking points about everything to do with investing so he’s perfectly placed to assist those looking to increase their investment prowess. Ahead of the interview, Jason addresses the Elon Musk announcement of semi-autonomous cars and their inevitably disruptive impact on everything – including real estate.   Takeaways – The title for Bill Bonner’s latest book, Hormegeddon, comes from the term for specific biological experiments which went awry: hormesis. – With many of these things they can start out as beneficial but the more you use them, the more issues arise. – The notion of creating money is so difficult for even experts to understand – how can real money be created from absolutely no