Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

Announcement: Creating Wealth Bootcamp June 28th 2014



The #1 piece of advice for growing wealthy is… Pretend the stock market doesn’t exist. Seriously. That ship left the dock decades ago and won’t be back. If you’re still swallowing the stock market line of lies, we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you will probably die poor, an unfortunate statistic lumped in with the 99% who will never know the blessed relief of a life free from financial worry. Can you even imagine the sweet taste of financial freedom? The age old problem of too much month and not enough money really can disappear. The truth is today’s stock market has devolved into a giant con game where an exclusive gang of unscrupulous slimeballs makes a very nice living picking the pockets of average investors like you. Are you a glutton for punishment? Do you enjoy getting slapped around by Big Stock Market, who takes your money like the schoolyard bully? It doesn’t have to be that way. If you learn nothing else this entire day, pay attention now: “Thousands of people are quietly growing wealthy e