Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 325: Retirement Investing with Dennis Miller Author of ‘Retirement Reboot’ and RetireMentors Columnist for MarketWatch



Dennis Miller is the author of a book called Retirement Reboot and the only retired RetireMentor columnist on Marketwatch. Jason Hartman interviews Dennis about his experiences and research on retirees and investing. Dennis is also the author of the weekly newsletter Millers Money which has over 150,000 subscribers. Dennis surveyed his readers about how much inflation is a reality in their lives. Over 3,000 people responded and the results were staggering. The reality is that retirees living off a fixed income know EXACTLY how much the price of basic necessities have gone up. They can not only tell you exactly how much the price went up, they can tell you how much the packaging has downsized and how the quality has diminished. Dennis has tapped into the real fear faced by retirees. These three columns that came out of the results really sum up how the government inflation numbers are not a true reflection of how retirees live their lives which is why they seem to be feeling inflation to a greater extent.   •