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CW 322: Sequestration & Furloughs with Frank Vernuccio Co-Host of ‘The Allison Report’ & President of COMACTA



Frank Vernuccio is the Editor-in-Chief of the NY Analysis of Policy & Government. He also co-hosts the radio program, "The Vernuccio/Allison Report." He serves as President of COMACTA. With the sequestration, civilian workforces will be furloughed, and the impacts will be felt socially and economically. Many dangers will occur as a result of furloughing so many Department of Defense employees. Vernuccio explains how these will affect military personnel. The New York Analysis of Policy & Government provides practical reviews of key issues facing the United States on the federal, state and local levels. Vernuccio co-hosts the "And Nothing But the Truth" radio show on WVOX in Westchester, NY with Larry Allison. He has extensive experience as a legislative writer, columnist, and policy analyst, with a background in both Republican and Democrat administrations. View Frank Vernuccio's work at