Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 290: New Technology and Human Longevity with Sonia Arrison Author of ‘The Coming Age of Longevity’



The study of aging has always been fascinating, and in today’s society, we have found ways to look and feel younger.  Is it possible that science has evolved to the point that in the very near future we will all live longer, healthier lives?  Jason Hartman’s guest, Sonia Arrison, says yes.  Advances in gene therapy, stem cell research and personalized medicine means that the human lifespan is ever increasing. Sonia wants to make people aware that we need to push for longevity.  Sonia Arrison is the author of 100+, How the Coming Age of Longevity Will Change Everything from Careers and Relationships to Family and Health. She addresses diseases that increase aging, making the distinction between lifespan and healthspan and explains different studies, including observing how various conditions affect human genomes.  She also talks about the engineering of new body parts from stem cells, spray-on skin used by the military, and more.  Sonia and Jason discuss the effects of healthy longevity on relationships, such