Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 274: Global Change & Fiscal Hangovers with Investor Analyst Keith Fitz-Gerald of Money Map Press



Jason Hartman starts this episode of The Creating Wealth Show with a candid discussion about some internal workings in his business, properties in Indianapolis and Memphis. The disastrous political policies that lead Detroit into economic devastation and high crime rates. Jason Hartman interviews Keith Fitz-Gerald, the Chairman of The Fitz-Gerald Group and Chief Investment Strategist at Money Map Press. A bestselling financial author, Keith's investment perspective is a daily feature for more than 500,000 Money Morning subscribers in 35 countries. A frequent commentator for financial news outlets including Fox Business, Bloomberg, CNBC Asia, Cavuto, Varney & Company, BNN, MarketWatch, and others, Keith Fitz-Gerald is among an elite handful of world-recognized experts on global investing.Keith tours constantly on the financial lecture circuit alongside other legendary investor analysts including Jim Rogers, Steve Forbes, and Dr. Mark Faber and was lauded as a "Business Visionary" on the recent l