U Read It Well

URIW S12 EP3: The Weather Ball w/ Jean Lizza & The Gaze



Bonjour, hi! URIW is back with a special mini season to celebrate Canada vs the World. Hosted by Jean Lizza and The Gaze.  The Weather Ball design maxi challenge provided terrible materials but the results were magnificent...if you are Rajah or Icesis. Victoria Scone is powering through the competition but a robbery did occur when the tops were announced! In broad daylight, in front of our very eyes! It’s all worth it to see Silky lip synch- an absolute powerhouse.  Music this season by The Gaze. Check out his new album Green Mansion- limited edition vinyl out now!  Subscribe or listen to one of the only Australian dragrace podcasts via Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Stitcher! Eps out each Tuesday. #canadavstheworld Degrassi references all season!