Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

Christmas in the Revelation "The Worship of Christmas Fulfilled in Revelation" (Rev 4-5)



Announcements from Sunday, December 4th 2022 Bible Reading Plan - Join us on #bible_reading_plan channel on Slack to discuss our daily Bible reading. We will be finishing up 1 Samuel and starting 2 Samuel. If you haven't joined us yet, jump into the same page Bible reading challenge and read the scriptures with us each day. The PDF is attached on Slack and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack. Nursery Help Needed - Thank you to all those who have done such a great job helping to serve our church family, visiting families, and our kids by caring for babies in the nursery and teaching children in the kids ministry. By God's grace and your willingness to serve, we have teams for each week. There is one spot currently needing coverage and that's help in the nursery on the third week of the month. If you're able to help out, please contact @Steve Pratt. Thanks so much! Ladies Craft Night