David Hathaway

Count your blessings / Philippians Bible Study (Part 13) Chapter 4:2-8



“Rejoice in the Lord always, rejoice! Let your moderation be known to all men – the Lord is coming! Be careful, anxious, for nothing! But in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” There is something very deep here; in the Spirit I sense is that we, as labourers in the Gospel should not be overly concerned about material issues. Instead, in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, we should let our requests be made known to God. After all, it is God who supplies, and we should not look to men first, but trust God. When we do, v7 is fulfilled in our lives, “The peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” You know, when we trust God, it’s an implicit trust in Him and it brings peace!