Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG315 Sean Spada takes us behind the curtain for his new album, "The Wild Ride".



Tom Gallo of Look at My Records describes Sean and his new album better and more accurately than I can: "SEAN SPADA is the real deal, a hard-working, consummate-pro piano everyman who would never dream of insultingly patronizing the sad sacks at the bar because clearly he identifies with and counts himself among the sad sacks at the bar new album The Wild Ride… but either way it's a ride that never flies off the rails thanks to the ever-present guard rails of Sean’s sensitive, skillful piano playing to the point where I’m moved to proclaim The Wild Ride the world’s first psychedelic piano lounge yacht-rock-run-aground rock operetta, a character study of a piano man who may be “Set Up To Self Destruct” but who’s nonetheless “Getting on the Highway” with predictable results perhaps but all the more stirring for seeing it coming..." I've know Sean for a while and his music/music career has evolved in a pretty exciting way. He's got mad skills! The visualization of his music in his videos have added a serious cre