Liquid Church

How To Be Kind | All I Want For Christmas Part 2



How do you show people kindness in the most stressful, frantic, fast-paced, and anxiety producing season of the year? In the Bible a better word for kindness is mercy. Essentially mercy is when you don’t get what you deserve. You deserve to be punished, but instead you receive mercy… forgiveness…pardon. And God is merciful! He is kind! Thank goodness! Because if God was fair, you would get what your sins deserve! But, because God is rich in mercy, you get what you need, not what you deserve! God lives in a continual, ongoing state of mercy. It’s unending. That means, his mercy is always going to be there and it always has been there. It was there yesterday, it was there today and it will be there tomorrow. For our part, we need to make room for Mercy. According to Scripture, there’s a VERY DIRECT CONNECTION between our relationship with others - how much mercy and kindness we give them - and how much mercy God gives us! In this message from Pastor Kayra Montanez, be challenged to do two things: #1) Help anyon