Liquid Church

Love The Poor | All I Want For Christmas Part 1



At Christmas what does God want from us? After all, it’s His birthday! The bible actually answers this question in Micah 6:8: “What does the Lord require of you? Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” So, what does it mean to DO JUSTICE? Biblical justice requires three things. #1) Relationship: It’s impossible to have a relationship with God if you don’t have a relationship with the poor #2) Responsibility: To show special care for the vulnerable and oppressed. #3) Resources: You share a portion of the resources God’s given you, with those who need it most. God tells us that if we watch the back of the poor and oppressed… then God will have our back. And it works both ways. God says: You insult the poor, you insult me. If you ignore the poor, you’re really ignoring me! Conversely: If you are kind to the poor, you’re kind to me. The point is that Jesus is unlike every other deity in world religions because He identifies with the poor. Not with those at the top of the ladder - the rich, the powerful