Jason Hartman Foundation

YW 94 - Investing in Property at a Young Age with Brian Maida



Brian Maida was interested in income property at the age of 20 and by 22, he purchased his first home. Brian gives an inspiriting message to millennials on how they can do it too. He encourages people to stay away from the stock market, stop listening to financial news, and more in this episode of Young Wealth.    Key Takeaways: 2:50 – Brian talks about his first real estate deal.  6:00 – Jason gets Brian's thoughts about owning condos.  10:05 – Brian likes the stock market, but doesn't think it's a good time to invest right now.  13:20 – It doesn't take a lot of money to own property. You can start with a minimum of $10-15k.  19:15 – Brian is a practicing vegan and talks about his hobby website, Vegaprocity.    Mentioned In This Episode: Vegaprocity.com  Cowspiracy