Jason Hartman Foundation

YW 79 - Justing Gilchrist - Buying and Selling Online and Web Based Businesses



Justin Gilchrist guest appears on the Young Wealth show today. He is an expert in buying online businesses and is also the co-founder of Centurica - a company that helps customers with website assessment and due diligence. He shares some important insider tips to Jason and his listeners about what you need to look for when purchasing an online business for the very first time.    Key Takeaways: 5:22 – For the most part, Justin wouldn't classify it as a business unless it's at least 1 year old.  8:00 – Justin looks carefully into how an online business generates traffic and where those searches come from directly. Good traffic should be spread out through organic, paid ads, and social media searches.  12:44 – Justin suggests different types of website businesses to his clients depending on the person and their technical background.  16:30 – Businesses sometimes do sketchy things with their revenue reporting and it's Justin's job to make sure you don't fall into a bad business purchase because of it.  20:00 – W