Maribor Is The Future

MariborIsTheFuture 99: Intimni - Potential States



Dobrodošli v prvi epizodi podcasta Intimni v sezone 2020/2021! V studiu smo gostili Evo Nino Lampič in Beliban Zu Solberg, soavtorici prve Momentove premiere letošnje sezone, Potential States, ki v branje priporočata tudi sledečo literaturo: -Ivo in Slavko Goldstein: Tito -Gal Kirn: Partizanski prelomi in protislovja tržnega socializma v Jugoslaviji (Partisan Raptures, Self management, Market reform and the Spectre of Socialist Yugoslavia) -Andrija Čolak: Razpad Jugoslavije - agonija ZKJ in zadnji dnevi socialistične države -New World Academy reader #5: Stateless Democracy (with the Kurdish Women's Movement) -John R Lampe: Yugoslavia as a history, twice there was a country -Rober M Hayden: From Yugoslavia to the Western Balkans : studies of European disunion, 1991-2011 -Dr. Mitja Velinkonja - Titosalgia -Gülistan Gürbey - Between State and Non State: Politics and Society in Kurdistan-Iraq and Palestine -David McDowall - Modern History of the Kurds -Aliza Marcus - Blood and belief -Ahmed Hamdi Akkaya, Joo