Maribor Is The Future

MariborIsTheFuture 88: Rojava, lection 1 - Democratic Autonomy and Liberation of Women



The topic of our podcast this time was the liberation movement and revolution in Rojava, the northern Kurdish region of Syria. We discussed the alternative political system they developed on the basis of self-governance and direct democracy. And the liberation of women, which is a crucial part of the social revolution in this area. Guests: > Petra Meterc, film critic and translator of the book Revolution in Rojava > Anja Zalta, professor of sociology at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana > Marta Gregorčič, sociologist and researcher of liberation movements around the world > Beliban zu Stolberg, researcher at the project Potential States Moderator: Žiga Brdnik Sound: Boštjan Eržen Thanks for the support and help to: Arne Zupančič, Petra Meterc, Fundation Sonda, City of Women, Radio YoureUp, Moment Maribor, community GT22, City Municipality of Maribor and Radio MARŠ for airing.