Jonathan Harnisch Podcast

Episode 061 - TONS OF TOPICS



Porcelain Utopia: Jazz, Facebook, Twitter, Porcelain Utopia, Blogs, Video Blogs, Internet Addiction, The DSM, Mental Illness, Communication, Interaction, Support, Hope, Inspiration, Reaching Out, Resources, In the Moment, The Best Day of Your Life, Negation of Negativity, Art, Therapy, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Self-Acceptance, Self-Love, Non-Selfishness, Non-Violence, Embracing Life, Psychosis, Paranoia, Missing My Old Self, Near Death Experiences, Guardian Angels, Needs vs. Wants, Dreams, Suicide Prevention, Life, Gifts, Sz Magazine,,, Today is the Day your Life Really Begins, Cherishing Others, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective, Bipolar, Depression, YouTube, Bill MacPhee, Is Grieving a Form of Depression?, Magpie Publishing, Friendship, Family, Loss, Isolation, Inspiration,  Mental Illness, Dedication, Spirituality, Writing, Love, Apologies, John Lennon, Humor, Tics, Tourette’s, “I am Jonathan”, Encouragement, Education, Stigma, Kittens, Jaso