Alliance Aces

5: The 5 Challenges Every Alliance Professional Must Conquer w/ Roland Wartenberg



Complex alliance partnerships can seem insurmountable sometimes. Hundreds of products, thousands of customers, and dozens of team members from two companies coming together to provide customer solutions. How does an alliance professional juggle and succeed with such a large forest of issues? Roland Wartenberg joined us on our podcast to discuss success in alliance partnerships. Roland’s resume includes his current position as Sr. Director of Strategic Alliances at NetApp, dealing with global strategic alliances in enterprise solutions, Big Data, and IOT. Previously, Roland worked for Citrix as the Director of Strategic Alliances for a number of years, and he also spent over a dozen years at SAP in various capacities in both the US and in Germany. Roland shared five challenges Alliance Pros face in their field. You don’t want to miss how he overcomes them.