Underground Usa

Replacing the Cult of Personality with an Honest Policy Discussion



The Midterm Elections are just months away and the radical Left, the Biden administration, its Obama 2.0 masters, and the mainstream media want to make the election a rehash of the anti-Trump campaign they executed successfully in 2020. The task at hand is capturing the narrative and making the election about policies rather than the cult of personalities.In the second half of the segment, I guest on the Truth to Ponder program with Bob Bierman, a broadcast beamed around the world on short-wave and through online and terrestrial channels. We talk about both the cult of personalities malady and things we can do to get back to constitutionality...Sign-up for our mostly daily mail out here:https://www.undergroundusa.comSupport Underground USA (BTC)https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/7b2d8c35-55b9-49ed-9918-f7cc6f2a488dSupport Underground USA (USD)https://checkout.square.site/merchant/SW8KGEWAS2A22/checkout/SXG24XFCOWMROX3D5IN42TB2Convention of Stateshttp://ConventionOfStates.com/?ref=69171 Get full access to