Kubernetes Podcast From Google

VMware Tanzu, with Betty Junod



Betty Junod, VP of Product Marketing at VMware Tanzu, kindly took up Craig’s challenge to explain the various parts of the Tanzu ecosystem, and how the traditional IT buyer and the modern cloud native really aren’t that different. Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know: web: kubernetespodcast.com mail: kubernetespodcast@google.com twitter: @kubernetespod and @craigbox Chatter of the week NASA DART mission Deep Impact Armageddon Apparent retrograde motion Planets beyond Neptune News of the week Istio sails into the CNCF SPIFFE and SPIRE graduate Episode 45, with Andrew Jessup Brigade archived Sysdig 2022 Cloud Native threat report The nice TeamTNT Episode 188, with Kateryna Ivashchenko Episode 169, with Anna Belak Chainguard introduces Wolfi workerd, from Cloudflare Introducing Palaemon Custom org policy for GKE in preview Leveraging Kubernetes for an elastic platform at Blablacar by Sebastien Doido Links from the interview VMware History Docker Solo.io VMwar