Kubernetes Podcast From Google

Gateway API Beta, with Rob Scott



Three years after they were first proposed, the new Kubernetes Gateway APIs - the evolution of the Ingress API - are in Beta. Rob Scott is a software engineer at Google and a lead on the SIG Network Gateway API project. Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know: web: kubernetespodcast.com mail: kubernetespodcast@google.com twitter: @kubernetespod Chatter of the week Hot hot hot Stevenson screen Heathrow Airport Kew Gardens RAF Coningsby News of the week Argo security audit: Argo blog ADA Logics blog Episode 172, with Jesse Suen Kubernetes Cluster API integrates continuous fuzzing The report OSS Fuzz Cilium 1.12 GKE Cluster Autoscaler location policy The quest for neutrinos Ray traced Quake II Links from the interview Gateway API Spire Labs Fairwinds rbac-manager Polaris Episode 104, with Bowei Du Ingress Gateway API concepts and role-orientation Roles and resource model GatewayClass GKE implementation of GatewayClass Conformance tests Policy attachmen