Kubernetes Podcast From Google

KEDA, with Tom Kerkhove



KEDA, the Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaler, is a project that adds superpowers to the Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler, including zero-to-one scaling. Celebrate KEDA reaching Incubation in the CNCF by listening to an interview with maintainer Tom Kerkhove from Codit. But first, learn about Craig’s worst concert experience. Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know: web: kubernetespodcast.com mail: kubernetespodcast@google.com twitter: @kubernetespod Chatter of the week Correction to Episode 158: Mike Richards is no longer host of Jeopardy! Troy meets LeVar Burton The Chase (USA) The Chase (UK) The Judds Charlie Watts: Rolling Stones drummer dies at 80 The Rolling Stones: A Bigger Bang tour Moving stage News of the week KEDA moves to CNCF Incubation Kubescape from ARMO Security GKE adds OIDC identity provider and gVNIC support Gloo Mesh 1.1 Istio security announcement Envoy security announcement Cron jobs and timezones in Kubernetes Links from the interview KEDA