Kubernetes Podcast From Google

Kubermatic, with Sebastian Scheele



Last week Loodse, the makers of the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, made that platform open source, and rebranded their company to match. Co-founder Sebastian Scheele joins us to explain how the company and platform came about, why they’ve made their changes, and what exactly a Loodse was anyway. Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know: web: kubernetespodcast.com mail: kubernetespodcast@google.com twitter: @kubernetespod Chatter of the week Docker for the new Arm Macs Tick Tock Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes Spaceteam News of the week Kubermatic 2.14 now Open Source HashiCorp Cloud Platform and new versions of Nomad, Terraform and Consul Flagger 1.0 OpenMatch 1.0 Harbor graduates at the CNCF SPIFFE and SPIRE move to incubation level CNCF post GKE goes to 15,000 nodes with Bayer Crop Science Tsunami: extensible network scanning from Google AWS App Mesh controller for Kubernetes is GA Dell announces PowerScale storage Gocker: a mini Docker written in Go by Shuv