Kubernetes Podcast From Google

CoreDNS, with John Belamaric



In a world where pods (and IP addresses) come and go, DNS is a critical component. John Belamaric is a Senior SWE at Google, a co-chair of Kubernetes SIG Architecture, a Core Maintainer of the CoreDNS project and author of the O’Reilly Media book Learning CoreDNS: Configuring DNS for Cloud Native Environments. He joins Craig and Adam to discuss CoreDNS, the evolution of DNS in Kubernetes, and how name resolution has been made more reliable in recent releases. Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know: web: kubernetespodcast.com mail: kubernetespodcast@google.com twitter: @kubernetespod Chatter of the week Death of George Floyd SpaceX Crew Demo 2 launch Sunniest Spring on record in the UK A small test rocket launch in Scotland UK spaceport (proposed) New Zealand spaceport (active) News of the week Priyanka Sharma replaces Dan Kohn at the CNCF Episode 35, with Dan Kohn Starboard, by Aqua Security Episode 19, with Liz Rice Docker Enterprise 3.1 from Mirantis Docker and Mic