Kubernetes Podcast From Google

Spinnaker, with Steven Kim



Steven Kim is an engineering manager at Google, based in New York City, working on the Spinnaker project. In a companion piece to last week’s episode about CI and CD, Steven talks to Craig and Adam about how Spinnaker evolved from VMs to Kubernetes and support for other cloud native technologies. Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know: web: kubernetespodcast.com mail: kubernetespodcast@google.com twitter: @kubernetespod Chatter of the week Evoland 2 Stickers on the fridge Seat entertainment on Air New Zealand Link Last Week Tonight on the NZ flag Craig and Sir John Key News of the week Kubernetes for personal projects For - Caleb Doxsey and Hacker News discussion Against - Carlos Rodriguez and Hacker News discussion A developer onramp to Kubernetes with GKE Cloud Native Buildpacks enter the CNCF Sandbox AWS Service Operator for Kubernetes Limited availability of DigitalOcean Kubernetes etcdadm from Platform9 Introducing the Kubernetes Non-Code Contributors Guide Episo