Flash Forward

Vanguard Estates: Can Robots Really Help the Aging?



In this series, we’re taking a look at some of the real science, policy, economics, law and ethics that inspired the events of Vanguard Estates. Today: can robots really help the aging? What are the pros and cons of these devices, and how do you evaluate their safety? Guests: Victor Wang: CEO of care.coach Dr. Amanda Lazar: assistant professor at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies Dr. Clara Berridge: associate professor at the University of Washington School of Social Work Laurie Orlov: founder of Aging and Health Technology Watch Kate Swaffer: activist & author, co-founder of Dementia Alliance International Nikki: care partner & founder of A Log Cabin in Brooklyn Dr. Tia Powell:  psychiatrist and the director of the Center for Bioethics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, author of the book Dementia Reimagined: Building a Life of Joy and Dignity from Beginning to End. → → → Further reading & resources here! ← ← ← Flash Forward is hosted by, Rose Eveleth and pr