Flash Forward

Vanguard Estates: Where Do You Want to Grow Old?



Today we wrap up out Vanguard Estates series with the ultimate question: where do you want to grow old? The answer is probably not in a nursing home. And yet, millions of people live in places whose general crappiness is a punchline in sitcoms and cartoons. Why? Can nursing homes be redeemed? What are our alternatives? And what could the future of aging look like, if we learned to care for one another better? Guests: Sarah Luterman: caregiving reporter at The 19th Kate Swaffer: activist & author, co-founder of Dementia Alliance International Dr. Alana Lee Glaser: assistant professor of anthropology at Saint John’s University Jannette Spiering: Senior managing Advisor of The Hogeweyk → → → Further reading & resources here! ← ← ← MORE ABOUT WHAT'S NEXT FOR FLASH FORWARDPlay the interactive version of Welcome to Vanguard EstatesFlash Forward is hosted by, Rose Eveleth and produced by Ozzy Llinas Goodman. The intro music is by Asura and the outro music is by Hussalonia. The episode art is by Mattie