Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Kami Guildner, Time Prosperity & Wealth Prosperity for Your Business and Life, Episode 279



One of the things that have been top of mind for me recently is the concept of creating time prosperity and wealth prosperity in our businesses and life. I’ve been helping my clients in my Scale, Grow and Impact Platinum Mastermind create these building block foundations that expand their capacity to scale their revenue, their impact, and their time. I love what’s happening in their businesses, and today I want to share how I’ve built this into my own business, and how my clients are following the same pathway. In this episode: I talk about the year-end planning that I do in business Why it is important to lead with love How I got off the rushaholic treadmill The importance of building a scalable business model from the very beginning of your business and how that leads to wealth prosperity How shifting from time scarcity to time prosperity has been one of my biggest life lessons My experiment during my recent trip How time prosperity is a mindset opportunity How the business models in my