Large Marge Sent Us




The holiday season is upon us once again! This week we watched 1989's Prancer, a too real Christmas story that may or may not end in reindeer suicide?! Prancer follows the Christmas season in a small town in Michigan and centers around Jessica Riggs, a precocious 8 year old who lives on an apple farm with her really mean Dad, brother and has just lost her mother to an undisclosed illness. She still loves Christmas though and is pleasantly suprised to encounter a reindeer in the woods one day who seems to have been injured by a hunter's bullet. Is this Prancer aka one of Santa's reindeer?! Various shenanigans ensue and her love of Christmas and belief in all thing Santa inspires the entire town, including her bad dad, and blah blah blah Merry Christmas! We were divided on this one - one of us felt this was warm, cozy, and sweet and the other felt it was depressing and sad! What a toss up! We'll talk about our past memories of Christmas pageants, who are favorite reindeer is, and talk about the true star of thi