Em Pulse

BulletPoints Part 2: Approach



As emergency physicians, we are no strangers to firearm violence and its consequences. We explored this topic with renowned expert, Dr. Garen Wintemute, in our January 2019 episode, #thisismylane. Most physicians feel strongly that we have a role in gun violence prevention, but many of us aren’t sure what we can do in our daily clinical practice to make a difference. That’s why Psychiatrist Dr. Amy Barnhorst and her colleagues at the California Firearm Violence Research Center at UC Davis developed the BulletPoints Project. BulletPoints is a resource for clinicians and medical educators who are committed to firearm injury prevention.  In the second episode of our series, we delve into the first step of BulletPoints: approach. Dr. Barnhorst takes us through how to start some of these challenging conversations. Hint: it starts with checking your own beliefs and biases.   Do you talk to your patients about guns? What’s your approach? Tag us on social media, @empulsepodcast, reach out via email empulsepodcast@g