The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 646: The Truth About Body Fat, Calories, & Long-Term Weight Loss



There’s so much conflicting information about human nutrition, metabolism, and weight loss. One of the most pervasive pieces of diet nutrition that most folks subscribe to is the concept of “calories in, calories out.” While this model isn’t inherently wrong, it also doesn’t paint the full picture of how human digestion works. Today we’re going to unpack exactly how our bodies process and assimilate the foods we eat. On today’s show, you’re going to hear an interview I did with Dr. Steven Gundry on The Dr. Gundry Podcast. We’re diving into topics like the science of calories, epicaloric controllers, how macronutrients influence our weight, and how our brain can control how our metabolism works. You’re going to learn about specific foods you can eat to improve your health, and how processes like blood sugar and inflammation could be negatively impacting your body’s overall function. You’ll also learn how body fat works, and the specific types of fat our body has. This episode gets to the truth about calories,