Seneca Community Church Messages

12/18/2022 - Ghosts of Christmas Past - Part 3: The Ghost of Past Labels



Did you have a nickname growing up? What was your least favorite? Why did you get it? Did you have a favorite one? So where are we going with this? Sometimes a Ghost of Christmas Past can show up in the way someone expects us to act and we get a nickname or a label. Sometimes those labels are positive, but the ones that most often would stick to our hearts were the negative ones. In our next installment of Ghosts of Christmas Past, we are going to be relieved to discover that our past labels don't have to limit God's future plans for us. The Apostle Paul, inspired by God, wrote: 17…Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person, gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT, MSG Hope you can join us as we each find how the old labels don't have to stick and a new life can begin. God offers all of us a fresh start!