Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Christie Mann, Co-Founder of UpLevel Productions: Developing Your Resiliency Muscle – Episode 280



Today I am happy to have Christie Mann return to Extraordinary Women Radio for a second time to talk about developing your resiliency muscle. Christie is a best-selling author, executive coach, learning consultant, speaker, meditation teacher, and co-founder of UpLevel Productions. UpLevel serves more than 300 organizations equipping teams to lead more purposefully and bring more humanity into the workplace. She is also faculty of Co-Active Coaching and is an expert in training cadres of internal coaches, developing coaching cultures and organizational leaders to take a coach approach.  In This Episode: Christie talks about the challenges she experienced in the past couple of years, especially during the pandemic and resiliency contributed to the journey Why you should let your emotion have a voice  The importance of having a relationship with your business Her definition of resiliency  Why people do not develop their resilience muscle She talks about how she teaches managers of large organiz