Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 233: Think In Decades Not Days With Julian Guderley



Think In Decades Not Days With Julian Guderley Hello beautiful humans, thank you for listening and supporting the Thrive Forever Fit Show. It truly means the world to me that you take time out of your precious day to listen to me ramble and rant about things I found entertaining, engaging, and meaningful. SPONSOR: F.L.E.X. ~ Visit: ThriveForever Fit F.L.E.X. For Details Flexible ~ Lifestyle ~ Eating ~ Xercise Program ✅ Weight Loss Without Diet ✅ No Pills, Potions or False Promise To Purchase ✅ Expert Level Support and Accountability ✅ Transformation From A Dieters Mindset To A Lifestyle That You Can Live With Forever Julian is a Podcast Producer, High Performance Coach & Event Creator. Over the past 15 years he has hosted transformational gatherings and special Events on 3 continents with thousands of attendees. Julian is also the creator of Green Planet Blue Planet Podcast, broadcasting over 300 episodes on regeneration, positive planetary actions and systemic change. He has been interviewing Regenerati