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LA 053: Strive to Leave a Legacy or Chase After the Wind?



Stress! Do you suffer? Of course you do. How much is caused by others and how much do you cause yourself? When you really think on this, you uncover some rather painful truths about stress. Most of it is caused by yourself. Like you. I like to place demands on my performance. Far greater demands than I would ever allow anybody else. Well perhaps my wife would debate that, but I don't demand so much from other people. Like you, I have a desire to leave something of a legacy. I want to achieve something bigger than myself. Something important. Even though we all know, that, whatever you achieve in this life, you only get one sentence when you die. Lying in a high-ceilinged waiting space, strapped to a bed with wires attached to my chest, head and arms. A drip in my vein. a pressure cuff around my arm. The room was painted white and reminded me of a clean warehouse or a big garage. My mind whirs into action and I continue my dive deep into the abyss of panic. Not about death and the hereafter. No. I know for sur