Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

379 - WellBeing OUT OF Self-awareness



"Curiosity has its own reason for existing."  - Albert Einstein Who are you? How do you know?  If you know yourself through your stories, experiences or accomplishments, is this knowledge limited to certain parts of your story or the entire being that is you? Who we are or who we believe our self to be, determines our patterns, decisions and even our beliefs. Being aware of what motivates us or grabs our attention is essential to understanding who we are. How well do you know yourself? What if your feelings of wellbeing, that dictate the quality of your life, are also determined by how well you allow yourself to be seen? That starts with knowing who you are! Self awareness is a core competency in leadership. With deeper self-awareness, compassion, and empathy, meaningful success is more attainable. Walk with me and we'll explore how to expand your agency by building efficacy, optimism and imagination. Be fiercely responsible and accountable in meaningful ways. Build the capacity to examine your own thinki