
Receiving Helpful Feedback 4/4



Actioning your feedback Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: It can help if you capture all of the feedback you receive in a journal, including: - The feedback topic; - Who provided it and when; - What example they shared and when that took place; and - What suggestion they have for you. Having a detailed feedback journal can: - Help you decide what feedback to prioritise for development; - Tracking your development by checking in with the feedback provider. Once you’ve decided what feedback you want to prioritise, develop an action plan to address it, potentially asking the feedback provider for their input or review. Your task for today is to spend 5 minutes setting up your feedback journal, adding any relevant feedback you’ve already had. Once you’ve had some of your feedback sessions and filled it out further, take the time to prioritise what you want to address and develop a plan for working at it.