
Effective Delegation 4/8



Defining the task Want to share feedback about the podcast? It would be much appreciated. 3 min survey here: Before you can fully handover ownership of this task, it’s crucial to properly define it first. That way, you can properly align with the person you’re delegating to and ensure you both understand it the same way. Your activity for today is to spend no more than 5-10 minutes forming a perspective on your task definition. Try and outline its: - Context - detail the task’s rationale and benefits. Why are you doing it? - Stakeholders - who should be involved, either for their input or their buy-in? - Scope - what should the task involve and what should it not? Are there any constraints or boundaries to it? - Resources - what be used to complete the task? - Desired outcome - what does successful completion look like, including any measurable results and timeline?