Rune Soup

Revisiting The World Without Sin: Reframing Censorship and Propaganda



Continuing our whistle-stop tour of classic blog series, this time we revisit a term I lifted from the (pre-cancelled) Joss Whedon film, Serenity. It’s the term I use to better frame the totality of digital systems and social media in the context of how they see the world and what it is they seek to do to ours. For people who may be unaware, I had a career in digital media and publisher strategy before doing whatever it is you call what I’m doing now. And I’ve long been interested in that overlap between communication and magic. These posts weave all of that together. And it’s necessary to continue the revisitations with this series next, because it gives us the context for why probably the rest of the revisitations won’t be found on YouTube. "I'm Going To Show You A World Without Sin." The First World Without Sin. Worlds Jurassic and Without Sin. World Without Sin: Farming Spies. Blowing Filter Bubbles: World Without Sin. NOTE: Last week's revisitation didn't push out an MP3 file, so this week you are ge