Hourglass Podcast

Health Impacts CEO Jessica Ahlum: Creating Happiness HGP#20



We create our own happiness. We live in a society that is constantly busy,  constantly moving. How do we do it all? How do we take care of ourselves and how do we foster within our children the ability to seek health optimizing lifestyles while creating happiness for ourselves. As a mom I can tell you it is incredibly hard to find balance. It takes constant effort and consistent practice on my part and also mind body awareness. How can we be better parents to our children and still meet everyone's needs? How can we be a better spouse or partner? Jessica takes a professional approach to supporting parents by establishing a support system that helps them find fulfillment, happiness, purpose, and ultimately be the best parent they can be to their child(ren) and the best partner they can be to their spouse. Jessica Ahlum is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach specializing in mindfulness and healthy relationships. She aims to help others become better people through the mind-body practices of yog