Elijah Anointing for Northamptonshire

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 12:55:36
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This Podcast series contains messages relating to the Elijah Anointing for Northamptonshire


  • Intimacy with God Conference Session5 Brian and Allison Nish

    29/03/2014 Duração: 46min

    ‘HEARING GOD for OURSELVES and OTHERS’ INTRODUCTION • Having a right image of God as our Heavenly Father is foundational for us – if we’re going to have an intimate relationship with Him • Just as in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, God wants relationship and intimacy with us (Psalm 16v11 – In His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore) • John 14v23 – If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him (intimacy). He who does not love Me does not keep My words) • Love and intimacy with God includes living righteously before Him and obeying His word • Out of that place of intimacy, obedience, and living righteously before God, we are in a good place to hear God, not only for ourselves, but also for others. This is what the bible calls prophecy. • All gifts, including prophecy, are initially given by the grace of God - but the development of these gifts are determined by our character growth and

  • Intimacy with God Conference Session2 Dave Weston

    29/03/2014 Duração: 33min

    Hey Church... I just want to spend the next couple of hours stating the case for intimacy. Tomorrow you will hear some teaching on how, and you will hear some encouragement on our response to the call to intimacy, but I want to outline to you briefly why this Father wants an intimate relationship with you. I may cover some things you will hear tomorrow, but that's ok. We sometimes need to hear things repeated to allow them to seep in. A definition of intimacy is 'close familiarity or friendship'. It is that place where two people share a closeness that allows for vulnerability and knows no shame. When I was young... Lady in the cafe with the toddler... Intimacy is born either out of desire or necessity... Hazel and toothbrush... I want to show you that intimacy with Christ is both desirable and required. God wants you to know Him. And tonight we begin a shift, as a church in this town and for this town, from knowing about him to knowing him. A church that knows about him will produce religion. 'I know Jesus d

  • Intimacy with God Conference Session1 Adam Eakins

    29/03/2014 Duração: 19min

    Intimacy with God Conference Session1 Adam Eakins

  • Local Houses of Prayer - Session 3 - Roy Godwin June 22 2013 at KLC Northampton

    22/06/2013 Duração: 01h02min

    Local Houses of Prayer - Session 3 - Roy Godwin June 22 2013 at KLC Northampton

  • Local Houses of Prayer Session 2 - Roy Godwin June 22 2013 at KLC Northampton

    22/06/2013 Duração: 01h12min

    Local Houses of Prayer Session 2 - Roy Godwin June 22 2013 at KLC Northampton

  • Local Houses of Prayer - Session1 - Roy Godwin June 22 2013 at KLC Northampton

    22/06/2013 Duração: 01h44min

    Local Houses of Prayer - Session1 - Roy Godwin June 22 2013 at KLC Northampton

  • Session 4 - Brian Nish - The Road to Freedom - The Fathers Heart Conference - - Sat 2nd March 2013

    26/03/2013 Duração: 55min

    THE ROAD TO FREEDOM AND HEALING FOR THE HARVEST INTRODUCTION Personal Testimony – father/step father/drink/occult/searching We’re all on a journey to wholeness, and there’s none of us there yet! But, if we are to achieve lasting breakthroughs from the wounds and hurts in our lives we must take responsibility for our lives We need to move from being ‘victims’ to being ‘victors’. Suffering can make us ‘bitter’ or ‘better’. Victors choose to become ‘better’ – victims choose to become ‘bitter’. To maintain lasting breakthroughs we need to live a lifestyle of FAITH and FORGIVENESS and know how to DEMOLISH STRONGHOLDS FAITH (Mark 11v22-24) Living a life of faith keeps us at the VICTOR end of the spectrum. Definitions of Faith: “NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb 11v1) “Faith hears the inaudible, sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible” Have faith in God What is your image of God? A big policeman in the sky? – OR –

  • Session 3 - Jussy McLean and Allison Nish - The Mother Heart of God - The Fathers Heart Conference - - Sat 2nd March 2013

    26/03/2013 Duração: 49min

    The ‘Mother’ Heart of God God is a Father and always considered male. Gen 1:26-27 ‘God said “let us make man in our own image, according to our likeness” – so God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female he created them’ If God made man and woman ‘In His image’, He must have feminine characteristics as well as masculine ones. God is fully complete – He is a father with paternal characteristics but has a mother heart with maternal characteristics too. When a mother’s love is missing A mother’s love is critical to the development of a child. Psalm 22:9 ‘You are he who took me out of the womb, you made me trust while on my mother’s breast. I was cast upon you from birth and from my mother’s womb you have been my God.’ The mother’s love imparts faith in the child to trust and to give and receive love. Is 66:13 ‘As a mother comforts her child so I will comfort you.’ Parental/family love = ‘storge’ love. Lack of ‘storge’ love, particularly from a mother, c

  • Session 2 - Paul Worth and Dave Weston - The Orphan Heart Condition - The Fathers Heart Conference - Sat 2nd March 2013

    26/03/2013 Duração: 01h04min

    Dave Weston - Session 2 The Orphan Heart Condition Symptoms of Pain and Interpreting the signs God calls us into perfect and loving relationship with Him as a father. We live in the new covenant of Grace, with a Father on the walls not waiting for us to come home and beat us, but to welcome us. But when our view of father is warped by our own experience of parent’s, or simply from being disconnected to the perfect heavenly father, our lives can be troubled and we are left with an orphan heart, with little expectation of good or blessing. Our experiences cause various signs and symptoms to be felt and manifested. My father was a good father, loving in the best way he knew how, yet a warped view of the Father heart of God can still be conditioned by applying earthly parenting to Godly parenting. One memory I have of my childhood is sitting in the evening meeting at church with my mum and Joy my sister whilst my dad was on the platform preaching, and Joy would get me into trouble by messing around! My moth

  • Session 1 Adam Eakins - A Fresh Revelation of the Father’s Love - Friday 1st March 2013

    25/03/2013 Duração: 01h05min

    Session 1 - Adam Eakins Father’s Heart Conference Session One – A Fresh Revelation of the Father’s Love Fatherless Culture in the UK • 15% of babies are born without a resident biological father • 7% have no fathers on the birth certificate Children who grow up without a father present are  75% more likely to fail at school  70% more likely to be drug addicts  50% more likely to develop alcohol problems  40% more likely to be in serious debt  33% more likely to experience unemployment  70% of young offenders come from fatherless households  85% of male prisoners have no connection with their fathers. But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’ Gal 4:4-6 • Absent Father __________________________________________ • Apathetic Father ______________________________

  • Elijah Anointing - Return of the Prophets By David Devenish & David Carr

    26/02/2013 Duração: 01h35min

    FOLLOW UP TO ELIJAH PROPHECY By David Devenish & David Carr (1 Kings 17,18,19 & 2 Kings 1, 2) David Devenish Elijah Was Afraid And Ran For His Life • Not exactly a victorious message • This is the reality of a massive anointing on frail human flesh • Elijah was a man just like us (James 5v17) • Therefore if you have frail human flesh you qualify for God’s anointing The Jezebel Spirit • This is a powerful spirit which can move through men as well as women • It will particularly attack those in authority and/or those who carry genuine prophetic anointing • This spirit will try to dominate, manipulate, and control (witchcraft) • Allowing this spirit to operate can lead to sexual immorality, deception, and depression. It can make you feel like crawling into a corner and giving up • Very often this spirit will get angry when crossed or confronted • We need to keep our guard up against this spirit in the church, and be aware that any sexual immorality is a door through which this spirit will enter Elijah F