Lynn M. Brown

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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GET INTOIT WINNING at the game of LIFE! with Lynn M. Brown Taking regular lives and infusing them with the magic of soulLynn Brown, owner of RaaNess of Life, Intuitive, Energy Healer and Medium.Lynn works with individuals, teams, and groups to enhance their lives, heal ailments, and increase overall ability to manifest the life they desire. Her management and coaching background enables her to teach spirit tools in a way that everyday people can understand and immediately use; helping you to ...


  • “Know Thy Self” is Critical for Conscious Creation


    The term Know Thy Self is something that has been stressed in many different religions and spiritual movements. Todays question is; what is the importance of Knowing Thy Self when it comes to Conscious Creation? Everything!!!

  • What is YOUR primary angle of CREATION?


    What?!? You mean there is an angle of creation now? Well, there always has been! And I bet if you knew the difference between the 2 Angles of Creation, you would be determined to start re-setting the life and multiple lives long habit that you have created. Lynn has discussed how to turn the way we think about Money and Abundance from the Inside- Out and now she is bringing the whole kit-and-caboodle to us and is talking about how to turn the way we create Inside-Out. Today we will talk about the mechanics of creation and why every particle of light that is our existence MATTERS.I AM Chart

  • Turn The Way You Think, Feel, and Act about Money...... Inside-Out


    Once you realize that the flow of money to meet your needs and desires actually emanates from the inside - out, instead of from the outside - in, like most of us have learned through social norms, then you can begin to access a supply of money and resources which are permanently sustained. The journey to this reservoir of prosperity cannot be obtained through wishes or even by conceptual understanding. Application of your mind, body, and spirit toward a new narrative of Money must be exercised until you have restructured your personal Money Blueprint which lies within. It is HERE that you will find ABSOLUTE FREEDOM. Abundance for ALL. Are you ready to start this journey?

  • Guest Host Lynn M. Brown: Intuitive Healers Have Infiltrated the Corporate Matrix


    4 incredible intuitive healers - 4 different corporate roles. We are infiltrating industries that you likely can't even fathom. From Lynn Brown in the financial industry, Peter an IT guy, Danielle a soda company executive to Racquelle the construction site manager...we are changing the corporate world from the inside out. Tune-in and learn how we are working our magic to raise the consciousness of corporations as you know it.

  • GET INTOIT - WINNING at the Game of LIFE with Host Lynn M. Brown: Start Winning Now! Lynn’s Personal Top 5 Gold Nuggets for Winning at the Game of Life


    If you are or were a student of Lynns you would realize that she not only teaches the fundamentals of a particular sport, or the fundamentals of financial planning, she teaches you how to literally be a winner in life. A mindset and a set of habits that are literally transferable to any aspect of your life that you would like to excel in. Today Lynn is going to share these Nuggets with us so we can focus these skills to start shaping our reality.

  • GET INTOIT - WINNING at the Game of LIFE with Host Lynn M. Brown: How to Win the Game of 5D


    The rules of the game have changed, yet many of us are still playing by the old rules or choosing not to play at all. Yes, we are talking about the game of life. We are talking about not only playing the game of life, but Winning the Game of Life. Self-proclaimed Winner, Lynn Brown is here today, with Dr. Pat, to break down the differences between winning in the new 5D consciousness vs the old 3D paradigm. Her life is a testament that she embodies the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects needed to Win at the Game of Life. And today, she is sharing those secrets so that YOU can start Winning!

  • 7 Sacred Rays of Ascension - The REAL Power in the Colors of the Rainbow


    The Seven Rays of Ascension are applicable to every person on the planet whether they are aware of them or not. When you devote time, energy, or intention towards utilizing these Sacred Rays of light; profound wisdom, balance and mastery will propel you on your path of enlightenment.

  • Full Spectrum WOMAN


    What if, instead of being raised by society to be a lady, you were raised to be a Winner? What if society didnt expect you to follow feminine interests, but encouraged you to follow YOUR interests? And Finally, what if you were given the freedom to be and do what you have always dreamed ofWOULD YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO DO IT? Dr. Pat and Lynn have lots to contribute to this conversation!

  • Money Games – Who’s Winning and Who’s Not with Lynn and Dr. Pat


    They say that what someone doesnt know wont hurt them. Unfortunately, when it comes to money, this absolutely does not apply. The headlines are full of announcements about our economy that leave most of us with our head spinning. Its time WE stop the Spinning and start Winning!!!

  • It is a KEY Time for Humans to Engage in Full Spectrum Healing with Lynn M. Brown and Dr. Pat


    Full Spectrum Healing transforms the Mental, Physical, AND Spiritual aspects of your life, activating the embodiment of your higher self. Why is that important?

  • Every Moment in Life Has Prepared me for Today with Lynn and Dr. Pat


    Every moment in life prepares us, not only for the next moment, but our ultimate mission on this planet. From the moment we are born, we start on a path that is designed to lead us to the best potential of ourselves. It is up to us to trust in each of these moments and give them our full attention. To give each of these moments, twists and turns, our BEST shot.

  • The Internal and External Transition to Our New Consciousness


    Join Dr. Pat and Co-host Lynn M. Brown as they discuss how we are shifting from our current limited state, to a higher vibration and level of consciousness a more spiritually evolved state, free from many of the individual and collective problems of our present existence. We are evolving beyond the state in which fear, violence, struggle, and strife can thrive. We are growing into a more enlightened state of being, which will be characterized by unity, peace, cooperation, compassion, harmony and freedom from many of our current limitations.

  • Introducing Money as a Consciousness


    Everything on the planet has a Consciousness and a role in the Ascension of Mother Earth and the people on the planet. Just as we match and learn from ascended masters, so too can we do this with the vibration, and as I like to call it, "consciousness" of ANY thing. Understanding this allows us to learn powerful traits and ways of BEING from each of these Elements, which can help lift us into Higher Perspectives and thus experiencing life from a higher consciousness.

  • The Birthing of the New Golden Age with Dr. Pat and Lynn M. Brown


    Changes are emerging all over the planet which are thrusting us into the New Golden Age. It is no longer an energetic project or concept. It is literally unveiling itself all over the planet, one just needs to know what it looks like. For the past 9 months Lynn has been working directly with the spirit realm on the changes to come in the financial arena and is happy announce that the shift is emerging into the physical.

  • Full Spectrum Finance Part 2


    If you want to know what lies ahead - If you want to know what is possible for your prosperity - If you want to know where and how to get started, you will want to hear this show. This is a continuation of Lynn's show from 12/22/15. There was too much great information to cover it all in one show! A new era of prosperity is emerging. It is quickly becoming critical to tend to your inner wealth game so that your outer wealth may emerge. Not just for you, but for the entire planet.Tune-in for more great conversation with Lynn and Dr. Pat

  • Full Spectrum Finance


    A new era of prosperity is emerging. It is quickly becoming critical to tend to your inner wealth game so that your outer wealth may emerge. Today, we will begin to explore the consciousness of prosperity and why it is more important than ever to understand both the energetic and physical aspects of money and prosperity. Dr. Pat Baccili and Lynn Brown share their thoughts.

  • How to Engage in Full Spectrum Living


    What happens when you merge your life skills and talents with your God given gifts as Spirit? You rise into an audacious life of Full Spectrum Living. Are you brave enough break down the divide between these two worlds, these already present aspects of yourself? Are you ready to infuse your total life with the magic of Soul? Tune-in to the conversation with Dr. Pat and Lynn

  • GET INTOIT - Winning at the Game of Life with Co-host Lynn Brown: Can you handle the TRUTH?


    Can you handle the TRUTH? The energy of LOVE through the eyes of an intuitive. Could it be that what society has taught about love is all wrong? Love is not an action, not an agreement; true LOVE is a state of being and unfettered freedom. The universe is now asking is to let go of old paradigms and expectations about being “in-love” and to step into “being love.” This is essential for our individual and planetary time of ascension.

  • Embody your Feminine NATURE…Let’s get WILD!!! Guest Wendy R. Wolf


    Women have traditionally been asked to give up so much of ourselves in order to serve others. Society has expected this and unfortunately many girls and women have bought into these limiting roles within our world. BUT, what if we realized that the most powerful way to serve others was actually to honor our divine self first!?!?! What if we began tapping into the amazing power we have as women. We can learn a lot from noticing the cycles and power of Mother Nature. Feminine energy by nature encourages us to create with ease by being in divine alignment with our individual talents and with our God self. Lets begin to unleash and honor the feminine energy within every living thing. Whether you are in a male or a female body, you will profit from this conversation, and opening to the Divine Feminine within! Great conversing between Dr. Pat Baccili, Lynn Brown, and Wendy R. Wolf!

  • Astral Is Your Ally -Leverage Your Astral Hours To Enhance Your Life with Lynn Brown and Dr. Pat Baccili


    We spend nearly 1/3 of our lives in the Astral Reality, yet most of us are NOT leveraging that time to enhance our lives. Our sleeping hours are not just a time for our physical and mental bodies to rejuvenate and heal. In fact, I believe that this time is one of the most misunderstood and under-utilized aspects of our life. Join me while I help to de mystify the Astral World and Astral Body. Experience a live Astral Body exercise as well as a power packed Astral Body healing.

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