Tangential Convergence

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Two guys start out with a tech or news story, and end up through discussions of history and science fiction, somewhere else.


  • Episode 60 - Limited Brutality is Still Brutality


    It's been a year since Putin started his illegal invasion of Ukraine.We here at TC are staunchly pro democracy and pro Ukraine.I wonder how people feel about this in Russia?We could ask Russian.  So we did.Daniil also told us the story of his leaving Russia in March of 22.Give to the Red Cross.Give to the UNHRC.mp3 download

  • Episode 59 - Unrepresentative Yahoos


    It's Canadian National Day of Podcasting!It's also me and Ken.Hey, remember the occupation of Ottawa?  Remember the Emergencies Act?  Well  the EA requires a commission be struck to look into the use of the EA, and well, that was our jumping off point.We talked Ottawa, the October Crisis, the Conscription Crises, Jan 6 and democracies voting themselves out of existence.We also talked DS9 and Babylon 5.Enjoy episode 59

  • Episode 58 - For the Glory of the Empire


    We're back.Well, Ken was for a bit, then there was a LIBRARY EMERGENCY!!Gee, what'll we talk about?  How about Putin's war of choice in Ukraine?Putin knows little of the operational. art.Deception is key.This got us thinking about a lot of things, Babylon 5, DS9, Operation Mincemeat, Romans, Barbarians, the Gulf War, General Patton etc.Oh right, it was a Russia episode, so Daniil joined us again, thanks man!Please give to the Red Cross or the UNHCR to help the people of Ukraine.mp3 download

  • Episode 57 - Gorby, We Hardly Knew Ye


    It's been a heck of a few days.The Queen died.The Russians are rushin' away (sorry...)But a couple of weeks ago Mikhail Gorbachev died.Hey wait, now that's TC material. You know what else?  I KNOW AN ACTUAL RUSSIAN!!  His name is Daniil, and he escaped Putin's totalitarian nightmare with his family six months ago.  He now lives in Vancouver.  So why not get an actual Russian on here to talk about Goby?  OK, so we did.Give to the UNHCR.  Give to the Red Cross.mp3 download

  • Episode 56 - This Book Represents a Weapon


    It's another in our ongoing coverage of Putin's war in Ukraine.Lots of weapons are coming in.Lots of war crimes are happening.We talked a bit about the history of war crimes.How can you get someone to do something evil?I talked a little Asch Line Experiment.Ken has lots of books.These show notes are getting lame.We stand for democracy, we stand with Ukraine.mp3 download

  • Episode 55 - The Ken and Dave Greater Co Prosperity Sphere


    This one is all about propaganda.Of course we've been both thinking about the topic ever since Russia invaded Ukraine.Does Putin actually believe his own propaganda?Are we swayed by propaganda (of course we are).I've. got a lot of problems with Noam Chomsky.Oh yeah, this one was recorded live and in person.mp3 download

  • Episode 54 - Слава Україні! Героям слава!


    Hey it's us!Gee, what's been in the news?  Maybe the Soviet Russian invasion of Ukraine?Is this a reboot of 1918 or 1938?  (With credit to @docpinko).  We think it's more like 1918.What is Russia's end game?  We don't know, what the hell do we know about anything?Will this lead to the end for Putin?  We can only hope.Putin has put his nukes on alert, it might be the only thing he has.The Russians are the Cardassians, not the Romulans.The book of Boba Fett makes an appearance, as does the Flu Trux Klan.mp3 download

  • Episode 53 - Decision 2020 Pre Game Show or Whatever


    We recorded this one at around 7pm EST.  Some polls are closed, some are open, some people are still in line.  I conducted a completely (scientifically) useless twitter poll.  Many of our US friends voted in advance.  Many of them didn't have lines.  That said, my twitter following probably skews kinda white.  Still, it was nice of people to respond.The lineups are a sign of a fragile democracy.  That said, a lot of people voted by mail. or in advance some other way.This got us talking about democratic norms, transfers of power and all that.  Everything from the Algiers Putsch to President Clark in Babylon 5.  Don't screw this up America.mp3 download

  • Episode 52 - The All New Honda Freebee


    Originally Ken and I were going to hop on Skype and talk about reopening economies.Then, the murder of George Floyd happened.So, we couldn't not talk about that.  So we did.  Though, really, we agree that white people ought to be doing a lot more listening and a lot less talking right now.  We of course both agree that Black Lives Matter.This of course is all happening during the COVID-19 pandemic.So, is this 1968?  Canada is doing something like a UBI that people thought about a lot back then.  There are people in the streets who are (justifiably) angry.  There are even launches of spacecraft.Of course our usual smattering of Star Trek, The Expanse and other sci fi was in there as well.  No tech really this time.Stay safe, stay healthy, and, if you didn't hear us the first time BLACK LIVES MATTER. mp3 download

  • Episode 51 - Chock Full of Plagues


    Actual t shirt that I'm wearing as I type thisWe're back, and better than ever.  Oh and there's a plague and we're all working from home.Also, Ken is now in entirely different city, so we're doing this over Skype for the first time.So of course we're talking COVID, we're talking bubonic plague and other stuff.  Other stuff being the 1918 Influenza epidemic for example, and AIDS in the 1980s.Babylon 5 is full of plagues.  Star Trek, every Star Trek series, is really chock full of plagues.Hey wait, that's not a bad title, chock full of plagues, I think I might use that.I don't think anyone is playing The Division currently.mp3 download

  • Episode 50 - Timely, Topical, Terrifying and Tom


    Live from MMPR 2019, it's Tangential Convergence!Yeah, so I'm typing this up on the Sunday before we all meetup for the goodbye breakfast of MMPR. It was good fun.It was Ken's first TC, and Tom's as well. We talked about the history of military parades, what with the oddness of the recent July 4 parade.The audio is ok, there was some music playing in the background, and it was a little loud.  Apparently also the audience couldn't hear us.....We hope you enjoy the episode. mp3 download

  • Episode 49 - I Can't Even Throw Away Paint


    Hey look, it's us!Also, we streamed this one live.  Sorta cool right?  Of course we peaked at three listeners, still...Evil Bond villain Elon Musk launched a bunch of satellites.  It's pretty crazy.SpaceX is like the British East India Company, or the Company of a Hundred Associates.Elon Musk may be odd, but, he never ran the Congo or anything.Oh these satellites might change our night sky. mp3 download

  • Episode 48 - You Need Three People For Propaganda


    OK, we're back after a long hiatus.Ken has merged with a new kidney, and he's doing much better thank you.We started out by talking about the SNC Lavalin affair here in Canada at the request of friend of the show, Tom Merritt.  We gave our impressions on the affair.This got us to talking about fake news, and the recent BuzzFeed News Article about how the olds share more fake news.Then we got to Star Trek, Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica. mp3 download

  • Episode 47 - Ward Cleaver Was Really Into Cock Fighting


    Hey, we're back!If anything gets us back to talking it is overreach by a company with a bit of copyright!I'm using too many exclamation points!So, a guy who had bought a movie from Apple went to re download his purchase, and it turns out, he didn't really buy the movie.  He bought a license to download it, depending on its availability in the iTunes store.Plus, the EU is going all crazy again.....We talked Dr. Johnson, dystopias, the future of newspapers and the Peninsular Wars.Enjoy. mp3 download

  • Episode 46 - A Warehouse Full of Minitel Terminals


    Yup, we're back.  Don't worry, we just took a little break.So, today is Isabelle's birthday, so there's that.Our topic though, is not birthdays, but, the recent fine the European Union has slapped on Google.  The deal here is, that if you make an Android phone, and you want to use the google play store, you can't fork Android.  I mean, you CAN, but then you don't get the play store.  The EU doesn't like this much.This brought me in mind of the unequal treaties imposed on China, Japan and Korea (by Japan no less).Mercantilism, Autarky, and even the future!Oh yeah, the singularity is silly.mp3 download

  • Episode 45 - Sending Your Scribe to John Grisham's Place


    Everyone sing along.  It's Tom Merritt's birthday.Today, or tonight really, we're tackling a topic we've spoken of before, cloud computing.  Yeah, that was back in episode 12, that file is long gone....Today at work there was a presentation about G Suite for education.  Hey the university gets google tools for free!  Also, no ads, and no data collected.  So that's cool, and that's why we're talking about this tonight.What's the deal on those things that Picard signs?  Is he accepting TOSs?  Hey, wait, in TOS Kirk was always signing things! We like the cloud stuff, and we're pretty excited about the whole thing coming to the university.  We also talked a bit about Luba Goy and Billy Van.Hey, Isabelle took pictures of us!mp3 download

  • Episode 44 - Churchill as a Service


    Look, another episode!Look, another episode about copyrights!Look, the EU is being silly again!  Is it censorship?  I dunno.  I'm sure Ken will know much more about this than I, because of his librarianosity.What if you could make copies of people's consciousness?  Would you?  What about renting out someone's 'soul' to be used as, oh say, a university administrator.Oh, Ken's daughter graduated from grade 8, congrats to her.We hope you enjoy our ramblings. mp3 download

  • Episode 43 - The Small Pencil Manufacturing Trade Association Has a Grievance


    Do you have it?Can you feel it?Election fever has gripped Ontario!  OK, look, I'm not so sure I have election fever, it might just be some bad clams.  As I write this it looks like it'll be four years of bad clams.Oh for the first time we had voting machines!  The company that made them is Canadian and has no ties to Russia, that we know of....However, elections are a great podcast topic.  So, that's what we did.  Ancient Greece, Rome, the Polish monarchy, the Galactic Senate, me quitting as AU Senate speaker, the Federation, the Klingon High Council, all great stuff.  OK, when I quit as senate speaker it might not have been my finest hour. mp3 download

  • Episode 42 - Quarter Poundor


    Another week, another episode of The Expanse, and, another TC.Oh remember, you heard it here first that the Expanse was going to be picked up by Amazon.Speaking of Amazon, this article on Engadget caught our eyes.  FAKES!  Apparently there's a lot of stuff on Amazon that is fake.  I remember eBay dealing with that a lot when I was a seller back in the late 90s and early 2000s. I promised my Russian friend Dan that I'd mention him, and The Warlock in Spite of Himself series.  I have now fulfilled my contractual obligation.I bet we talk about Altered Carbon.  It's just a guess, but I bet we do.Visit Elne France, those poor people.The theme is too loud this week, sorry about that.... mp3 download

  • Episode 41- Parking Tickets For Their Shuttlepods


    I just announced on twitter that I'm currently writing this post, so I guess I ought to get to it.So, how about that Trump/Kim summit?  Yeah, no, that's not happening.  I don't know about you, but it strikes me that this was Kim's plan all along.  Try for ridiculous concessions (US troops out of South Korea) then when that doesn't happen, embarrass Trump!  Who knew a reality TV star could get pwned by a guy who, while evil, has been training for this role his whole life?This lead us into some fine discussions about summits in general.  Klingons and the Federation for example.  Oh you've got your 'peace in our time' summit too, that one worked out well.  Of course, B5 came up.Also, North Korea, it's got a vaguely 1984 feeling.  By vaguely, I mean EXACTLY LIKE 1984. mp3 download

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